Before you go hire a business coach or sales person, enrol in an online course, follow a get rich quick scheme, do this first. Warning, this is a long list of things to do. No easy answers, no quick fixes, but the bare minimum of what you need to do before looking for more help. Remember, people hire who they know, who they like and who they trust. So time to get known.
Entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to scale. If you aren't sure what that means, according to Fundable, here are the differences between growing your company and scaling your business: " Growing means you are adding resources at the same rate that you're adding revenue.
Small Biz, Biz Dev
5 Ways to Scale Your Small Business — The Startup
Short Reads
March 20, 2022 14:57
100 Tools to Launch & Grow Your Start-up Without Web Weveloper, Graphic Designer and (almost) Without Money
A rare opportunity to watch Chris Do speak in front of a live audience and learn how to speak the language of business and creativity in this comprehensive lecture series.